Friday, February 08, 2008

Winograd, Monopoly, and UK Destined For Sharia

From an email:

End of Week Review: February 8, 2008

Dear Friend of Jerusalem,
Here are some of the leading headlines, from the all-new One Jerusalem Blog:

Time For New Elections: Former Israeli Ambassador Dore Gold discusses the reaction of the Israeli public to the Winograd Commission. Winograd examined the failures of Israel's military and political leadership in the 2006 Lebanon War. To receive regular analysis from Dore Gold sign up at...(read more)

One Jerusalem Drives Jerusalem's Monopoly Vote Straight Up: Since One Jerusalem users began voting for Jerusalem, the Holy City's Monopoly Game ranking has shot up from #23 to #11! Please keep voting EVERY DAY through Feb. 28. We're aiming for #1! Full Instructions here. Special thanks to all of you who reposted our message...(read more)

Israel's Most Serious Challenge: As rockets continue to fall on innocent Israelis, as Israel's Defense Force declares that Egypt has allowed terrorists and weapons to enter Gaza, and as the world gears up to criticize Israel for reducing power to Gaza -- the most...(read more)

Archbishop: Sharia Law is Unavoidable in the UK: In a radio interview, the Archbishop of Canterbury urged listeners to "face up to the fact" that it is inevitable that Sharia Law (Islamic law) will be recognized in the United Kingdom.Moreover, Archbishop Rowan Williams supports official recognition of Sharia...(read more)

Vote Jerusalem on the Monopoly Board!: UPDATE (Feb 8): Keep Voting! Thanks to you, Jerusalem is now #11!We're aiming for #1! VOTE EVERY DAY!The makers of Monopoly are inviting fans worldwide to vote in an on-line contest to determine which 22 cities will be etched in the collective...(read more)

Barak Obama and Israel -- Part 2: The rise of the presidential candidacy of Barak Obama has raised some serious concerns about his foreign policy positions - especially concerning Israel and the Middle East. Our first report on this perculating issue brought a considerable amount of reaction...(read more)

Suicide Bomber Kills Israeli: In the Southern Israeli town of Dimona a Palestinian suicide bomber killed an Israeli woman and a police officer shot and killed a second would be bomber. News of this first attack in Israel in over a year prompted celebrations...(read more)

Life in Sderot: While Israel's politicians are busy making their political calculations, citizens in Sderot are still suffering. Watch this video of an American born resident of Sderot discussing the plight of the city's citizens. ...(read more)

Together we can win the fight to maintain a united Jerusalem!
The One Jerusalem Team

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