Friday, February 29, 2008

Would Any Of The Candidates Be A Friend Of Israel?

Gary Rosenblatt, editor of the New York Jewish Week, thinks they're all the same. We'd like to think that one would be better than the others:
But the reality is that each of the three remaining frontrunners would approach the Mideast conflict with essentially the same outlook and intention, and with the premise that Israel-Palestinian negotiations should be encouraged and supported, much along the lines of the Clinton and now Bush efforts.

Upsetting? Comforting? That’s your call, but don’t come away believing one or the other will be dramatically different when it comes to Israel any more than you believe the long line of empty pledges to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

So base your choice on a host of other very real factors from personality to integrity to domestic issues to Iraq to a variety of foreign policy concerns, including acknowledging and identifying the very real threat of Islamic militancy.

Fact is, in past presidential elections Jews have voted along party affiliation anyway.

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