Friday, May 30, 2008

The Al-Dura Case: OUR Next Step

While France2 has indicated they will take their appeal to the Cour de Cassation, Philippe Karsenty writes in an email about the next step that we have to take:
The next battle will be political; we will have to ask the French government to demand that the state-owned TV channel admit that the al Dura news report was a fraud and issue a public apology for broadcasting a staged "killing" and, therefore, an apology for being the party to a colossal historical hoax.

It is well within the government's responsibility to take these steps. As the de facto CEO of France 2, Sarkozy has the power to conduct an internal investigation of the TV station in order to separate the truth from the lies. I call on you, my friends and supporters, to notify all of your contacts, and the relevant organizations you support, to join me in demanding that Sarkozy exercise his authority to make amends on behalf of France 2. Only then can one even attempt to redress a wrong that has resulted in death and injury to so many innocent people.
The written decision that was handed down by the Appeals Court (English translation here) reviewed the weight of the evidence and invalidated the decision of the first court.

In his personal blog, Enderlin characterized Karsenty's defense as not bringing any proof of hoax or staging:
But on the other hand, the Appeals court, contrary to the initial tribunal considered that Karsenty had the right to virulently criticize this report, the subject having created a notable emotion, and recognized that he had carried out his investigation that permitted the Court of Appeals to grant him the benefit of doubt in the matter of his good faith.
It is important to not only put an end to Enderlin's claim but also take out the legs of the Al-Dura hoax out from under it. The damage that has been done is done--now there is an opportunity to stop it in its tracks.

Crossposted at Soccer Dad

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