Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Has Lebanon Become The Next Gaza?

Hezbollah has won in Lebanon.
According to the terms of the deal, Hezbollah will be given 11 seats in a 30-member cabinet — enough to exercise an effective veto over government policies, as the group had demanded. Army leader Gen. Michael Suleiman will be installed as president, a step the parties had agreed to months ago but which had been delayed by the dispute over cabinet seats and other issues…

“We’ve won. We have got what we wanted,” said Ali Badran, a 47-year-old Hezbollah supporter who had joined a tent city erected in protest more than a year ago near the Lebanese parliament as the political crisis deepened. Though the protest encampment had dwindled to a symbolic few, it stood as a sign of Hezbollah’s support in the country’s large Shiite community.

“We were victorious over the American and Zionist project.”
When Michael Totten wrote just a few days ago Lebanon will not become the next Gaza, he was comparing against Hamas' military victory over Fatah last year. As it turned out, Hezbollah won a political victory comparable to Hamas' coming to power back in 2006.

And the threat of another Israel-Hezbollah war looms larger.

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