Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Assad--Diplomacy In Motion

Negotiations with Syria seem to be going well:
Israel must be prepared to return all Syrian lands occupied in the 1967 Middle East war as part of any peace deal between the two sides, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in remarks published on Tuesday.

Briefing editors of United Arab Emirates newspapers during a visit to the Gulf Arab state, Assad also said U.S. sponsorship would be essential in the next stage of indirect talks launched last month under Turkish sponsorship.

"At this stage we are not talking (with Israel) about anything else. What is on the agenda is the return of all land," al-Khaleej newspaper quoted Assad as saying during a visit on Monday. "In direct negotiations we will tackle the details which include the files of water and relations and other matters.

"As for water there are international rules that govern these matters and are usually referred to, but if the question of water is intended for (Syria to) give up the (condition on) 1967 borders that stretch to Tiberias then there will never be a compromise on the 1967 borders."
In other words, if Israel is not flexible then Syria will not make the compromises which it has already ruled out unilaterally to begin with.

Gee, diplomacy with Syria is easier than I thought.

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