Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reservists: If We'e Captured, Don't Negotiate For Our Bodies

From Haaretz:
Reservists: If we're captured, don't negotiate for our bodies

"If we are captured by the enemy, we ask that the state of Israel does not release many hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for our freedom," Israel Defense Forces reserves soldiers wrote in a letter addressed to the IDF chief of staff, channel 2 reported Tuesday.

The reservists, members of a decorated infantry battalion, are slated to be the first soldiers to enter enemy territory should Israel decide to carry out a large-scale military operation in the Gaza Strip.

According to Channel 2, the letter will be handed to IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi only when such an operation begins.

The soldiers and officers emphasize in the letter that they are "ready to sit in an enemy prison for as long as it takes," and demand that Israel refrain from paying a high price for their freedom. The soldiers also ask that no negotiations be held over their dead bodies or parts of their dead bodies.

Regardless of whether there is an implied criticism of Olmert here or not, it is quite a move to make such a request--regardless of whether the government would actually honor it.

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