Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why Is Bush Apologizing?

That is the question Abe Greenwald asks at Contentions. Bush's apology for tough rhetoric leading up to the Iraq War is paralleled by Bush apparently going soft on Iran as well.

Greenwald concludes:
Here is the problem. Talking about talking is not effective diplomacy. Talking about bombing is effective diplomacy. We’ve reached a funny point in world history when the toughest thing a western leader is permitted to say about a potential nuclear menace is that “all options are on the table.” Let’s hope that what appears to be a kinder, gentler, and frankly weaker approach to Iran is just the President crossing his T’s and dotting his I’s before making the hardest decision a statesman can make. If the only thing standing between us and a nuclear Iran is a “multilateral framework” of European “considerations,” Bush’s legacy will bear the stain of something far more damning than excessive verbal bluster.
Just where does this kindler, gentler Bush leave Israel? And if he continues and finishes off this way, just what legacy will be left at all?

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