Friday, July 18, 2008

Outgoing Ambassador Dan Gillerman--And His Arab Admirers

Israellycool--who is himself a big admirer of Gillerman--apparently has lots of company among Arab delegates at the UN, according to Haaretz:
Ambassadors from Arab countries and the Gulf states were among the guests at a reception yesterday for outgoing United Nations Ambassador Dan Gillerman, who is completing a six-year tour of duty. One veteran UN reporter for an American television network told viewers he could not recall such an impressive Arab turnout for a diplomatic event for a senior Israeli official.
The list of those honoring Gillerman includes representatives of Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Oman--and the Palestinian observer at the UN, Riyad Mansour, the senior Palestinian envoy, who embraced Gillerman.

Israellycool includes links to some of "Gillerman's Greatest Hits"

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