Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tonight: Israel--Leading the World into the Post-Oil Age

From an email:
RSVP NOW - Energy & Israel - TONIGHT - July 30 @ Lincoln Square Synagogue
Israel: Leading the World into the Post-Oil Age

with *Michael Granoff
Head of Oil Independence Policies,
Project Better Place <>*

Come hear how Israel is breaking its oil dependence, and how the US can too.

*Wednesday, July 30 2008 7:30pm
Lincoln Square Synagogue
200 Amsterdam Ave. & W 69th Street*

Event co-chairs: Anne Gontownik & Jill Helene
Student chair: Rochelle Lipsky

Students: Free / Non-Students: $10.00

This event is sponsored by *Stand*With*Us* <>.
RSVP:, 212 398 2524


Michael Granoff founded Maniv Energy Capital in 2005. MEC is a lead investor
in, and Mr. Granoff a board member of, Project Better
Place<>which will enable
country-wide adoption of electric vehicles by building and
operating an electric charge network allowing countries to eliminate their
dependence on oil for transportation. MEC also has holdings in ISE Corp,
which manufactures drive trains for hybrid commuter buses, and GreatPoint
energy, which is pioneering an inexpensive process of converting coal into
clean natural gas. MEC was a seed investor in Israel Cleantech
the first venture capital fund to focus exclusively on opportunities in the
cleantech sector in Israel, and Mr. Granoff now sits on its advisory board.
Prior to MEC, Mr. Granoff managed Maniv Bioventures, a private venture fund
that took positions in 10 early stage life science companies from 1997 to

In 2004, out of concern for the economic, geopolitical and environmental
consequences of continued oil dependence, Mr. Granoff helped conceive the
highly regarded Washington-based advocacy group, Securing America's Future
Energy <> (SAFE) ( and
continues to serve on its board.

In addition to SAFE, his current non-profit involvements include membership
on the Board of Governors of Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life;
chairmanship of a division of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
(AIPAC), and president of Kesher: the Community Synagogue of Tenafly and
Englewood. He served on the National Finance Committee for Joe Lieberman for
President 2004. Mr. Granoff received his B.A. from Tufts University and his
J.D. and M.B.A. Northwestern University and its Kellogg School of
Management, and is a member of the Bars of New York and New Jersey.
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