Monday, November 03, 2008

Addressing: "Israel Is Less Secure Now Than When President Bush Took Office."

An op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Why McCain Wins In Israel, addresses the claim that President Bush is somehow singlehandedly responsible for the current level of tension in the Middle East

For Americans who have chosen to live in Israel, the candidates' Israel positions are not matters of party loyalty or cheap rhetoric. They are matters of life and death. That may explain why, in spite of the onslaught of Editorials From Famous Jewish Obama Apologists, exit polls (themselves the subject of some controversy) showed that Americans in Israel (less than a quarter of whom were registered Republicans) voted for McCain over Obama by an overwhelming 76% to 24% margin.

Yet, these repetitive Obama-talking-point editorials deserve some refutation. Ignoring their sillier claims (e.g., Obama has a more "Jewish"/tikkun-olam outlook because he was raised by a single mother, or that he is qualified to single-handedly improve black-Jewish relations), even their more substantive statements don't stand up. For example, they make numerous claims under the umbrella theme that "Israel is Less Secure Now Than When President Bush took office."

Are they kidding? It's hard to believe this cockeyed claim gets repeated, especially with the implication that Israel's security issues are somehow the fault of President Bush. Let's set the record straight.

Intifada: When President Bush took office, Israel was in the midst of the "Second Intifada" uprising. We now know that this Intifada was premeditated by Yasser Arafat (who was extensively supported diplomatically and financially by the Clinton Administration) while engaged in Oslo "peace" negotiations. Suicide bombers terrorized all of Israel, murdering some 2000 Israeli civilians. We and our children were forced to risk our lives just boarding buses, attending weddings, synagogues, holiday festivals, or sitting in cafes.

By contrast, today this country has returned to a level of safety and normalcy. Israel's reining in that wave of terror (including building the security fence, opposed by Obama) would have been significantly more difficult without the diplomatic and moral support of the Bush Administration for the Sharon government's no-nonsense means of shutting down Arab terror.

Deep in their hearts, which candidate do these Obama supporters honestly think would be more supportive of the next round of Sharon-esque anti-terror measures that an Israeli government will again require?

Strategic Partnership: Israel remains the strongest military power and America's closest ally in the region due in part to technology and intelligence-sharing on an unprecedented level. This resulted from the special US-Israel strategic alliance created by the Bush Administration, cooperating more with Israel than any US administration in history. Just what does Obama/Biden want to "change" here?

Syria Marginalized: The Bush Administration successfully isolated and marginalized Syria during its term in office and supported Israeli military pre-emption against Syria's nuclear weapons facility staffed covertly by North Korean scientists. The Israeli attack on the Syrian reactor was opposed by Obama's nuclear non-proliferation expert, Joseph Cirincione. Does that reflect the kind of "change" Berman et al have in mind for us?

Hizbullah: Editorial claims that "Iranian support for Hizbullah has reached new heights" under Bush misrepresent one key fact - Hizbullah was created by Iran as its surrogate in Lebanon with Syrian support.

The Bush Doctrine: The Bush Administration carried out the most dramatic change in US Middle East policy in nearly a century by enacting the "Bush Doctrine," taking a pro-active role against Islamic terror and for democracy, greatly enhancing Israeli security in the process. Obama/Biden want to change this? To what?

The United Nations: Israel's security was further bolstered during the Bush years by US diplomatic support at the UN, particularly under the stewardship of a true friend of Israel, Ambassador John Bolton - whose nomination was vigorously opposed and ultimately torpedoed by both Obama and Biden. Just what "change" should we expect on this front, especially as Obama is committed to increasing US coordination of foreign policy with the EU and UN?

Iraq/Iran: Eliminating Saddam and his missile threat to Israel, as well as his generous cash sponsorship of conventional terror "martyrs" was itself a direct boon to Israel's safety. Israelis are no longer sealing their rooms and procuring gas masks.

Read the whole thing.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: how can Obama be in favor of a strong Israel if he opposes the idea of a strong America?

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