Friday, November 07, 2008

Ahmadinejad Should Have Called...(Updated)

Ahmadinejad didn't call Obama to congratulate him on his victory--he only made a statement--so when The Washington Times reports Obama Thanks Nine World Leaders, it turns out that
President-elect Barack Obama spoke to nine world leaders Thursday, returning their congratulatory calls.
For the record:
Mr. Obama spoke to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel, Prime Minister Taro Aso of Japan, President Felipe Calderon of Mexico, President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea and U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
If only Ahmadinejad had called instead of making a statement. Apparently, Obama will speak to Ahmadinejad with at least one precondition.

Apparently, Ahmadinejad has bigger things to worry about from Obama:
Despite this message, the conservative hard-line camp in Iran is worried about the overwhelming enthusiasm and support for the U.S. that Obama’s election has created around the world. A popular American president who talks about peace and wants to negotiate with Iran would take away their justification for leading the anti-American front in the Middle East. Furthermore, increased international support and credibility for the United States represents a more serious challenge to Iran, especially if the international community initiates new sanctions against Tehran. All this while oil prices are falling.

This is why efforts are already efforts underway in the Iranian press to tarnish Obama’s image.
Is it possible that Obama's being elected will keep Ahmadinejad awake at night?
We can only hope.

UPDATE: This headline from The Telegraph won't help Ahmandinejad:
Iran's youths would back Barack Obama over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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1 comment:

  1. Anything that aggravates Ahmandinejad needs to be reviewed for repeat use at least once.


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