Thursday, November 06, 2008

Livni Already Disagrees With America's Next President

Gee, that didn't take long.

A few days ago, I wrote about speculation that an Obama win would help Livni become Prime Minister. Apparently Livni is not interested in Obama's help. Emanuele Ottolenghi writes:
Just a day after Barack Obama won the U.S. presidency, Israeli foreign minister and Kadima leader Tzipi Livni has expressed her reservations about Obama’s expected readiness to launch direct talks with Tehran. Clearly, one must wait and see what the new administration will do, come January. But it does not augur well that Israel’s foreign minister (and potentially Israel’s next prime minister) would so openly and publicly disagree with a U.S. Administration.
If Livni is merely trying to score points with a view towards the February election, this is hardly the way to do it.

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  1. the liberal illuminati made us think that Obama was going to be love by all! Especially this crew. It doesn't look like that's that case. hmmm

  2. It's early yet. Livni is just trying to establish a position for the February elections.


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