Friday, February 06, 2009

Father Patrick Desbois's Holocaust Exhibit In New York City

From a comment to my post Father Patrick Desbois And The Documentation Of The Lesser Known Part Of The Holocaust:
Dear Book Blogger,

I recently read your post about Father Patrick Desbois and wanted to let you know about an exciting exhibition about his work in Ukraine that is now on view through March 23 at the Museum of Jewish Heritage —A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York City. The Shooting of Jews in Ukraine: Holocaust by Bullets includes powerful evidence, both physical and testimonial, gathered by Father Patrick Desbois and his team from Yahad-In Unum. Interviews with Ukrainian bystanders and witnesses, together with photographs, artifacts, and text panels, tell the chilling story of Jewish victims–men, women, and children–who were summarily executed near the places they lived, with their neighbors watching.

The Museum has also hosted several public programs over the course of the exhibition’s run that complement the themes in the exhibition. On Monday, March 2 at 7 p.m. director Sergey Bukovsky will screen and discuss Spell Your Name, his film about the Holocaust in Ukraine. This event is free with suggested donation. It is the Museum’s hope that the exhibit will engage visitors and promote dialogue about remembrance and responsibility.

Please visit our website at for up-to-date information about upcoming public programs or to join our e-bulletin list.

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