Monday, February 09, 2009

Is The Enemy Of My Enemy--My Friend: The British National Party and The Islamists

A commenter to another post left a link to this page on The British National Party:
Islamification of Britain Sparks Jump in Anti-Jewish Attacks
February 8, 2009 by BNP News

The increasing Islamification of Britain has sparked a dramatic rise in attacks on Jews in Britain, with at least 270 cases already having been reported in 2009, numbering in excess of seven per day.

The attacks - by gangs of Islamists - have been linked to the conflict in Gaza. Police patrols have been stepped up in Jewish neighbourhoods amidst reports that members of Britain’s Jewish community are fleeing the UK.

Scotland Yard is understood to have placed prominent Jewish communities on heightened alert, while the Association of Chief Police Officers’ national community tension team is responding to intelligence by issuing weekly patrol directives to chief constables instructing them of threats to Jewish communities in their areas.

Incidents recorded by the Jewish Community Security Trust (CST) include violent assaults in the street, hate mails and graffiti threatening “jihad” against British Jews.
A Birmingham school is investigating reports that 20 Muslim children chased a 12-year-old girl, its only Jewish pupil, chanting “Kill all Jews” and “Death to Jews.”
In another incident a Jewish schoolgirl reported being bullied at a non-Jewish school because of the Gaza conflict.

CST spokesman Mark Gardner said the current fear of persecution was so profound that some members of the Jewish community were seeking to emigrate to countries where they felt more secure, such as Israel, the United States or Australia.
“I know two families, one of which has already moved and the other which is in the process of moving, who don’t see the point of putting up with this,” he added.
Recorded attacks have centred on the Jewish communities of Golders Green and Hampstead Garden Suburb in north London.

According to the Office for National Statistics, the Local Authority Districts with the highest Muslim populations are Tower Hamlets (36% of population); Newham (24%); Blackburn (19%); Bradford (16%); Waltham Forest (15%); Luton (15%); Birmingham (14%); Hackney (14%); Pendle (13%); Slough (13%); Brent (12%); Redbridge (12%); Westminster (12%); Camden (12%); and Haringey (11%).

The Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years, and is multiplying ten times faster than the rest of society, research by the Office for National Statistics has revealed. The growth was attributable primarily to immigration and a higher birthrate.

Britain is not the only country where anti-Jewish attacks have risen along with the size of the Muslim population. In France, where there are now in excess of six million Muslims, attacks on Jews have reached such high proportions that hundreds have already emigrated.

Since the conflict in Gaza began, at least four synagogues and a kosher restaurant in Paris have been firebombed, with all evidence pointing to Islamists in France as being responsible.
All well and good--a political party in Great Britain takes notice. But what is The British National Party?

From Wikipedia:
The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right and whites-only political party in the United Kingdom.
...According to its constitution, the BNP is "committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent the overwhelmingly white makeup of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948." The BNP also proposes "firm but voluntary incentives for immigrants and their descendants to return home."

It advocates the repeal of all anti-discrimination legislation, and restricts party membership to "indigenous British ethnic groups deriving from the class of ‘Indigenous Caucasian’". The BNP also accepts white immigrants that are assimilated into one of those ethnicities.

...Historically, under John Tyndall's leadership, the BNP was overtly anti-Semitic; however, under the current leadership of Nick Griffin, the BNP has focused on criticism of Islam. The party has said that it does not consider the Jewish, Hindu or Sikh religions to have a significantly detrimental or threatening effect, although it does not accept practising Sikhs, Jews and Hindus as culturally or ethnically British. The party does however have members with Jewish ancestry. The BNP has been known to work with extremist Hindu and Sikh groups opposing Islam, and has actively tried to win Jewish votes.

The BNP is rebuked and ostracized by mainstream politicians, and the party has been strongly criticised by Conservative Party leader David Cameron, former Liberal Democrats leader Sir Menzies Campbell, former Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair, and current Labour Party Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
It always welcome when someone points out the danger to Jews--but in terms of relying on and helping the British National Party, I cannot help but think about the story about the scorpion and the frog.

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