Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Israelis Send 2 Messages--Bibi Hears One

Netanyahu claims to hear the message loud and clear:
Netanyahu: Right-wing led by Likud won a clear victory

Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu declared victory in Tuesday's parliamentary election as he addressed supporters in a speech early Wednesday, despite exit polls that predicted his party narrowly coming second to the ruling Kadima Party.

However, the exit polls also indicate that Likud is in a better position than Kadima to lead a coalition because of a strong showing by other nationalist parties.

"I've spoken to party leaders," Netanyahu said, "and we have agreed to begin negotiations on forming a new government as soon as tomorrow."

"Even if exit polls are accurate, there is no doubt regarding the only conclusion they point to: the Israeli people have said their word in a clear fashion, the nationalist bloc, led by Likud, won a clear victory," Netanyahu added.
True, the Israeli people have clearly said they prefer the nationalist bloc--what is not so clear is that they want Netanyahu to be the one to lead it.

Considering Netanyahu's previous lead in the polls and the way it was cut down to nothing--and considering the 'gaming' of the vote pundits say went on in order to give the election to Livni--it is not clear at all the the Israeli people have gotten over Bibi's last stint as Prime Minister. If those pundits are correct, I cannot begin to imagine the collective kretch of the Israeli voters who manipulated their vote to keep Netanyahu out.

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