Monday, February 02, 2009

One Jerusalem--End of Week Review: February 1, 2009

From an email:

End of Week Review: February 1, 2009

Dear Friend of Jerusalem,

Here are the latest headlines from the One Jerusalem Blog:

Netanyahu Shakes Up Davos World Economic Forum: As the world economic and political leaders gathered to hear Benjamin Netanyhau address the World Economic Forum they were stunned to hear Israel's economic wizard say that the world's economic problems are not as important as the race to top... (read more)

Livni Becomes Mute On A United Jerusalem: Today's Haaretz Magazine has an interesting profile of a defiant Tzipi Livni. Throughout the interview, Livni is tough talking. She threatens Hamas and Iran, she belittles the accomplishments of her rivals, she boasts about her abilities but then she refuses... (read more)

Terrorist Murderer of Jewish Children Is Honored: Gateway Pundit reports that Iran's Jew hating President bestowed honors on the terrorist who killed Israeli children and was released by the current Israeli government. (For background on Kuntar read our coverage here.) Kuntar has also been honored by Syria.Bestowing... (read more)

Peres Defends Israel: The civil atmosphere of the World Economic Forum in Davos was interrupted by the Prime Minister of Turkey denouncing the State of Israel's defensive military operation against Hamas.Israel's genteel President Peres was sitting next to the PM and after the... (read more)

Jerusalem Takes Center Stage: REPORT FROM JERUSALEM:Up until now Israel's national elections have been dominated by the war against Hamas. A few polls have reported that a majority of Israelis believe Israel stopped its defensive operations too soon, before the job was completed. Probably... (read more)

Obama's Mistaken View of the Middle East: President Obama has rarely received scrutiny from the press. The press has allowed him to skate through the election without challenging him at most turns. The press gives him the benefit of the doubt. This is why a critical article... (read more)

Engaging Iran Is Obama Priority: Today, as she began serving as United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice restated the Obama Administration's commitment to actively engaging the Iranian regime in direct negotiations. She stated that the Obama Administration's is dedicated to trying to... (read more)

Jimmy Carter Says Mitchell Should Talk to Hamas: Former President Jimmy Carter wants United States Middle East Envoy George Mitchell to talk to Hamas. One wonders why Mitchell would waste his time having a private meeting with Carter. Carter's anti-Israel views are widely known and there is nothing... (read more)

The One Jerusalem Team

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