Sunday, February 15, 2009

One Jerusalem--End of Week Review: February 15, 2009

From an email:

Weekly Review: February 15, 2009

Dear Friend of Jerusalem,

Here are the latest headlines from the One Jerusalem Blog:

Sharansky Explains What Israel Voted For: While Israel's national elections sent out some confusing signals, in fact the electorate sent a rather dramatic message to its political leadership and the world.World renowned dissident and Chairman of One Jerusalem, Natan Sharansky clearly examines the results of these... (read more)

Election Roundup: Netanyahu, Livni, Likud, Kadima,.....: Today's Hebrew newspapers all feature Benjamin Netanyahu as the victor. Livni is relegated to the background. Of course, President Peres still has to decide who forms the next government but the overwhelming Right bent of the next Knesset will make... (read more)

Netanyahu Kingmaker: In the wake of Israel's national elections there has been a great deal of political activity regarding the formation of a new government, Yesterday, Tzipi Livni held a high profile meeting with Avigdor Liebermnan to show that her one long... (read more)

Israel Votes: Who Won? Netanyahu and Jerusalem: Over four million Israelis braved substantial wind and rain as they cast their ballots in Israel's national election.Election night reminded us of 1996 when Benjamin Netanyahu defeated Shimon Peres. Like 1996, this year the Right or National camp roared back... (read more)

Election Day In Israel: TWITTER -- Follow frequent updates on Election Day activities, in Israel, from Israel. Visit this Twitter page. One Jerusalem is reporting from Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and around the country.... (read more)

Israel's Elections: What Is At Stake: Tomorrow, Israelis go to the polls to elect a new government. The last public opinion surveys show a close race between Kadima and Likud but a clear victory for Right wing parties. Israel's electorate has moved decidedly to the Right... (read more)

The One Jerusalem Team

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