Monday, February 02, 2009

One Reason There Are More Gazan Than Israeli Casualties

In Palestinian Myth Machine, Mona Charen writes:
Unlike the Israelis, Hamas was keen to increase Palestinian casualties of violence. Gaza is full of munitions, smuggling tunnels, and incitement videos exhorting the faithful to kill Jews, but it’s nearly impossible to find a bomb shelter in the Strip. By contrast, the Israeli town of Sderot, where my 12-year-old son visited last week, is covered with them. He sat in the living room of an 80-year-old woman whose son had urged her to take cover in the newly built bomb shelter in her basement. Five minutes after she reluctantly rose from her sofa and left the room, a Kassam rocket crashed through the ceiling. [emphasis added]
Read the whole thing.

Of course, the whatever bomb shelters are available in Gaza are probably commandeered by the death-desiring leaders of Hamas.

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