Sunday, February 01, 2009

US Dollars Going To Both Israel And Gaza

Money is on the way to Gaza:
The Obama administration on Friday made an emergency contribution of more than $20 million for urgent relief efforts in the Gaza Strip, a day after the United Nations launched a flash appeal for $613 million to help Palestinians recover from Israel's three-week military operation there.
The fact that US money will be going to Gaza raises an issue. Noah Pollak writes:
Europe and America are supporting both sides of a war while professing their hope that only one side wins. It’s head-spinning to realize that my tax money is helping to pay both for the Israeli bombs that destroy buildings in Gaza, and the reconstruction that follows. It’s one thing to fund both sides of a war between your enemies, say, between Iran and Iraq, hoping they both lose (to paraphrase Kissinger). But when one side is your ally and the other is your enemy, and you are funding both, you are engaged in a demented exercise.
Well, look at the bright side: at least the US is no longer providing Palestinian terrorists with guns.

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