Thursday, February 19, 2009

What US Ban On Hamas--US Delegation Visits Gaza

A US delegation is visiting Gaza:
A U.S. congressional delegation visited Gaza Thursday, marking the first time that American lawmakers have entered the Hamas-controlled Palestinian territory in eight years, according to the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem.

The delegation included Reps. Brian Baird, D-Washington, and Keith Ellison, D-Minnesota, who is the first Muslim to serve in the U.S. Congress.
The delegation's protection is being provided by Hamas--the same terrorist group that somehow lost the unexploded bombs that the UN gave them to protect.

Kerry, who is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, apparently has not made a statement yet--but that has not stopped Baird and Ellis:
Baird said that the visit represents a change in the United States' attitude and approach to Gaza, under newly elected President Barack Obama.

The destruction from Israel's recent military operation in Gaza was beyond description, Ellison said. The two men visited the United Nations headquarters in Gaza City, and toured homes that had been destroyed in Israel's three-week military campaign.
Well, at least Obama did not make Hamas his second official phone call after Abbas...

The delegation will visit Sderot as well, where Israel actually provides its citizens with bomb shelters--instead of rockets. Perhaps Baird and Ellis will notice the difference.

American Thinker notes the message being sent:
Baird is not speaking for the Administration. Nor is Ellison. Nor are any of the politicians meeting with Hamas officials (at least, “officially”). And with European politicians also speaking with Hamas, it may not seem like much. Nevertheless, the breaking of the de facto ban on Members of Congress visiting Gaza is telling.
Especially when you include the US involvement in Durban II this time around.

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