Monday, March 23, 2009

Nachum Segal Interviews Malcolm Hoenlein, March 20

Nachum Segal interview Malcolm Hoenlein on Fridays:
Nachum interviewed Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, who called in live for the latest Weekly Update. Nachum and Malcolm began by addressing two disturbing articles in the New York Times regarding Israel and ethical actions of the Israeli soldiers, as well as, the change in journalistic coverage of Israel based on its leadership. They covered several other important issues including: Israel's arrest of ten Hamas leaders in the West Bank, President Obama's message to Iran regarding US-Iran relations, the latest news regarding the Durbin II conference, the supposed relocation of Israeli citizens due to archaeological exploration, the publicity surrounding the rescue of our Yemenite brethren, and much more. Click the link to listen

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