Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama's $900 Million Bailout of Gaza: Hamas Is Not General Motors

Ed Morrissey is not impressed by the nearly $1 billion that Obama is ready to send to the terrorists that run Gaza. Can the US be any more successful keeping the money out of the hands of the terrorist rulers of Gaza than it was in keeping money and influence out of the hands of Saddam Hussein?
Obama says that the money flowing into Gaza from the US will not go to Hamas, which remains on the State Department terrorist list. The money may not directly go to Hamas, but Hamas controls the flow of goods and services throughout Gaza. Any resources flowing into Gaza will eventually wind up in the hands of Hamas, probably almost immediately by comandeering the aid as it enters Gaza, or through a series of kickbacks from the NGOs that get it.

Pretending otherwise is silliness; it’s the same pretense that people used about the UN Oil-for-Food Program in assuring people that Saddam Hussein didn’t get any of the money. Hamas controls Gaza almost as completely as Saddam did Iraq.
Besides, as Claudia Rosett has already pointed out, every dollar that Obama gives Gaza is one less that Hamas will have to put out of its own pocket towards the upkeep of Gaza--and siphoned off instead towards firing more rockets at schools in Israel.

Or does Obama think that by bailing out the terrorist group, he will have some sort of influence on Hamas.

Hamas is not General Motors.

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