Thursday, November 12, 2009

Goldstone Refuses To Debate Dershowitz

"I have yet to hear what the flaws of the report are. I'd be happy to respond if I know what they are."
Judge Goldstone

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  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    do you have more info on this? was it schedualed then cancelled?

  2. Anonymous6:52 PM

    the "debate" is still happening but only dershowitz is speaking as goldstone declined to come


  4. Bombin'--

    The fact of the matter is that the proponents are not giving up on the narrative and its claims any time soon.
    Furthermore, the claims of the report receive far more exposure than the refutation. Keep in mind that Goldstone definitely has not "decided to remove himself from this play before the first act"--in terms of the overall scheme of things, and as indicated by the fact that he entered the 'debate' at Brandeis.

    In addition, people are not downloading and reading a 575-page report: they are relying on what they consider reliable sources to process and summarize the key findings--we can do no less for those who need talking points, relying on whatever types of venue and medium available.

  5. As she read Goldstone refused to debate so that avoids debate.


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