Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Only Thing More Popular Is Claiming An Affair With Tiger Woods

The list of countries claiming Israel is harvesting their people's organs is growing.

When the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet published Donald Boström's story in August that the IDF harvested the organs from the bodies of Palestinian Arabs, it caused an uproar--not only because the story was unsubstantiated, but also because
Boström didn't care:
"But whether it's true or not - I have no idea, I have no clue."

The admittedly clueless Mr. Boström demonstrated no such uncertainty in his article, however. Combine that with the fact that one of the families denied ever having claimed their son's organs were stolen--and you get an idea of the level of journalistic professionalism you are dealing with.

Now it appears that the story has caught on with a vengeance--and not only in the Arab world.

Palestinian Media Watch has collected examples of the full acceptance of this newest Blood Libel in the Arab world. Most recently:
The Palestinian Authority libel that Israel deliberately harvests organs from dead Palestinians has caught on in the Arab world. Last month Egyptian authorities temporarily denied Israeli doctors entry into Egypt to participate in a medical conference. The head of the Egyptian Medical Syndicate explained that this was because they "participated in torture" of Palestinians and because they "are also guilty of stealing the organs of Palestinian prisoners."
Meanwhile, in the Ukraine, the libel is spreading across the Internet there:
Stories appearing on several Ukrainian Web sites claim Israel has brought around some 25,000 Ukrainian children into the country over the past two years in order to harvest their organs. 
The claim, which was made by a Ukrainian philosophy professor and author at a pseudo-academic conference in Kiev five days ago, is the latest expression of a wave of anti-Semitism in the country.
These claims fall right in line with other Anti-Semitic claims being bandied about--the kind often found in the Arab media:
Vyacheslav Gudin told the estimated 300 attendees of the Kiev conference a detailed story about a Ukrainian man's fruitless search for 15 children who had been adopted in Israel. The children, Gudin said, had clearly been taken by Israeli medical centers, where they were used for "spare parts." Gudin said it was essential that all Ukrainians be made aware of the genocide Israel was perpetrating. 
The conference, some of whose participants belong to a Slavic-rights movement, also featured two professors who presented a book blaming "the Zionists" for the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s as well as the country's current condition. 
...In his mayoral campaign Ratushnyak blamed the Holocaust on the Jews, saying they stole German property, and warned of the same thing happening in Ukraine. 
Sweden and the Aftonbladet certainly did not invent Anti-Semitism, but they have certainly added fuel to the fire at a time when this kind of hate is already on the rise.

And both politicians and the media are finding ways to exploit.

NOTE: Check out the HonestReporting Big Lies Presentation about 5 similar cases of lies that the media has bought into.

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