Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hamas Branches Out Into Cartoons--With Predictable Results

Hamas is making cartoons now:
"Hamas' terrorist TV channel -- which routinely indoctrinates kids by portraying Israelis as ghouls -- is launching a new cartoon series that depicts another enemy, the Palestinian Authority police.
A pilot episode shows a toadyish Palestinian officer watching as a Jewish character machine-guns a group of West Bank children to death and drinks their blood.
'You killed our children before my eyes,' the officer says meekly. 'I will respond with even more peace.'
Of course, since it's a cartoon instead of the usual live actors, there is the possibility for special effects--something that Hamas has not failed to take advantage of:

The Hamas version of kids TV

So, how has this all gone over with the Palestinian version of 'Nielson' families?
The grotesque six-minute pilot was a big hit when tested on Gaza Strip viewers this month by Hamas' video mouthpiece, Al Aqsa TV, and will be expanded next month, officials in Gaza City said.

..."We received hundreds of letters from inside and outside [Gaza] asking for the program to be shown again," a network official told Agence France-Presse. With Post Wire Services
Hamas has another hit on their hands.

Note: I wonder if any of those letters come from Great Britain:
Jihadists groom children in the UK under 10

Police have identified children as young as seven being groomed for terrorism, with some expressing a wish to become suicide bombers.

Up to 10 primary school pupils, aged between seven and 10, have been placed on a government outreach programme for individuals considered at risk of being radicalised and turning to violence.

Some have taken inspiration from jihadi websites or after viewing extremist material in Islamic bookshops.
[Hat tip: Meryl Yourish]
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