Thursday, April 22, 2010

Host The 2020 Olympics In Jerusalem!

In the name of peace, of course.
Backspin Media takes a look at the suggestion and its implications:

Top 10 Media Subplots If Jerusalem Hosts Olympics

Should the world community award the 2020 Olympics to Jerusalem as an incentive for Israelis and Palestinians to make peace? Udi Sommer thinks so.
The reason why this plan can succeed where others have failed is threefold: It puts economic payoffs front and center, requires cooperation on a large scale, and involves sublimation of otherwise deadly instincts.
Judge for yourself whether Sommer overdosed on Salam Fayyad and Start Up Nation.
Here is the bottom half of a list of...
 Top 10 List of Media Subplots If Jerusalem Hosts the 2020 Olympics.
10. British, Turkish and Greek windsurfing teams all feature veterans of previous Free Gaza flotillas.
9. Sick of wall-to-wall coverage of dumb events like speed walking, table tennis and skateboarding, the IDF restricts media access to certain venues. Relieved journos and the Nielsen ratings officials praise the news blackout.
8. The burning question: Will Anat Kamm leak Olympic drug test results to Haaretz?
7. Feuding Gaza vs. Palestine soccer teams give new meaning to "sudden death overtime."
6. Iran boycotts Olympiad, organizes alternative Islamic Nuclear Pride Games. President Hillary Clinton doesn't rule out US participation.
Read the rest.

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