Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Nuclear Summit In A Nutshell [Updated]

From The Corner:
So, in sum: We had a summit that accomplished nothing except a) angering the American and international press corps, b) closing down Washington for two days, and c) misleading everyone for 24 hours that China and others were on board with something to help stop Iran when that just wasn't true. This just isn't serious foreign or defense policy. In fact, it's a dangerous, even Neronian policy -- except it won't be Rome that will burn. 
Read the whole thing.

Now of course, that won't be the way the Obama administration will describe it--and it is important to note how they will describe the benefits and results of the summit.

However, the summit is a measure of Obama's foreign policy in general and his nuclear policy in particular in the eyes of those attending.

Obama is the one who from the beginning of his campaign promised a new global respect for the US.
How's that going?

UPDATE: From Politico:
President Barack Obama acknowledged Tuesday that, despite his full-court press for tough sanctions aimed at persuading Iran to abandon its suspected nuclear weapons program, he could not promise that China and other major powers would go along.
That's honest.
But is this?
“Because of the steps we’ve taken…the American people will be safer and every nation will be more secure,” Obama said.

The summit’s official communiqué called for all so-called “loose nukes,” bomb-grade separated plutonium and highly enriched uranium, to be locked down within four years.

The document is non-binding, but Obama said he was confident that Ukraine, Mexico and other countries would follow through on promises to give up their bomb-grade nuclear materials.
Read the whole thing.

Unlike ObamaCare, when it comes to claims of success in nuclear talks, people want to see clear results sooner rather than later.

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  1. Won't happen.

    Sanctions on Iran - also won't happen.

    The ball is back in Israel's court.

  2. That's the problem--the US thinks the ball is in their court, and all they want to do is run out the clock.

    They don't seem to realize we will run out of time first.


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