Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Iran--Running Scared?

Could be:
“A government that is scared of a corpse is a weak government,” Shirin Ebadi said, referring to the government’s decision to bar families of killed protesters from holding public funerals. Attacks on Mehdi Karroubi and  raids on the offices of Grand Ayatollahs Saane’i and Montazeri show the increasing desperation of Iran’s rulers. Every website managed by WordPress (the most popular blog hosting platform on the web) has been filtered since this past weekend in Iran (including this blog), and the

Revolutionary Guards have even set up a “Facebook Espionage Division.” All of this indicates that the Islamic Republic is a regime that has become afraid of its own shadow. And this is the real story of the past year. 

Facebook Espionage Division?

Now  that's scared!

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