Monday, June 21, 2010

Survey Says: The Arab World Does Not Like Iran (But It Doesn't Matter)

Not that this should come as a surprise.

The Pew Research Center did a survey of 22 different countries on how they feel about Iran.

The attitude to Iran is negative among Germans (86%), the French (81%), and Spaniards (73%), among other nationalities. Elsewhere, 63% of Jordanian respondents and 60% of Lebanese respondents also expressed negative sentiments towards Tehran. Iran does enjoy favorable sentiments in Pakistan (72%) and in Indonesia (62%).
Nuclear Iran

European countries opposed the idea of a nuclear Iran--
The same picture emerged in Muslim states, where 66% of Egyptians, 64% of Lebanese, 63% of Turks, and 53% of Jordanians also said they oppose a nuclear Iran.

In Lebanon, while 91% of Shiites support a nuclear Iran, 88% of Sunnis and Christians object to it.
Military Strike Against Iran
In Egypt, 55% respondents supported a military strike on Iran, compared to 16% who objected to it. In Jordan, the figures in favor of an Iran strike are 53-20% respectively. Only in Turkey, more people said they would accept a nuclear Iran that respondents who preferred military action.
Of course, this is all irrelevant.
As P. David Hornik points out: "Yet if Israel acts, all hell will break loose--against Israel."

And that is what the world has come to.

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