Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Washington Post: Gaza Flotilla Should Not Lead To Repeat Of Goldstone Mistake

Whatever else might be said about this Washington Post editorial, there is one thing they got right:
The White House has been properly cautious so far in responding to the incident; it should be careful to distinguish itself in the coming days from the anti-Israeli chorus. U.S. diplomacy should aim at ensuring that the inevitable calls for an international investigation do not lead to another one-sided setup like the United Nations' Goldstone commission, whose report on Israel's 2008 invasion of Gaza has become another weapon in the international campaign to de-legitimize the Jewish state.
We can only hope that the one-sided nature of the Goldstone Report becomes more recognized--and that the same mistake does not happen this time around in investigating the ambush of the IDF.

A good start would be to acknowledge the terrorist ties of IHH, which organized the flotilla, and may have been behind the ambush of Israeli soldiers on the Mavi Marmara, the only ship which attacked the soldiers--and the one with Turks aboard.

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  1. No one asked the Turks why they allowed a terrorist group aboard their vessel.

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan could stand to be asked several questions here about Turkey's role in yesterday's events, none of them good.

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    What terrorists, Norman?

    Mentioning Turkey, difficult U.S.-Turkish relations are bound to be seriously set back if Obama does not condemn the Israeli ship raid. Obama has yet to evoke any change in Israel's repeated violations of international law, human rights and past promises.

    He now has a great opportunity to give Israel a reality check.


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