Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Muslims Want President BUSH To Speak On Behalf of Ground Zero Mosque

Byron York writes that Mosque supporters beg George W. Bush to come to Obama's rescue:
There's a new argument emerging among supporters of the Ground Zero mosque. Distressed by President Obama's waffling on the issue, they're calling on former President George W. Bush to announce his support for the project, because in this case Bush understands better than Obama the connection between the war on terror and the larger question of America's relationship with Islam.
It's an extraordinary change of position for commentators who long argued that Bush had done grievous harm to America's image in the Muslim world and that Obama represented a fresh start for the United States. Nevertheless, they are now seeing a different side of the former president.
And it's not just the Muslims who want Bush to step in.

Maureen Dowd writes that "W. needs to get his bullhorn back out"
And Peter Beinart writes "Whatever his flaws, the man respected religion, all religion."

Meanwhile, Bush has declined to comment on the Ground Zero Mosque.
One more indication of why he was a better president.

More at Memeorandum

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