Sunday, August 22, 2010

New Setbacks For Ground Zero Mosque?

That appears to be the case, with 2 new items in the news:

According to The Daily News, Hardhats vow not to work on controversial mosque near Ground Zero:
A growing number of New York construction workers are vowing not to work on the mosque planned near Ground Zero.

"It's a very touchy thing because they want to do this on sacred ground," said Dave Kaiser, 38, a blaster who is working to rebuild the World Trade Center site.

"I wouldn't work there, especially after I found out about what the imam said about U.S. policy being responsible for 9/11," Kaiser said.

The grass-roots movement is gaining momentum on the Internet. One construction worker created the "Hard Hat Pledge" on his blog and asked others to vow not to work on the project if it stays on Park Place.

"Thousands of people are signing up from all over the country," said creator Andy Sullivan, a construction worker from Brooklyn. "People who sell glass, steel, lumber, insurance. They are all refusing to do work if they build there."

"Hopefully, this will be a tool to get them to move it," he said. "I got a problem with this ostentatious building looming over Ground Zero."
Meanwhile, The New York Post is claiming Money Muslims iffy on mosque:
The Ground Zero imam seems to be losing his wealthy American friends.
At least one stateside benefactor of the Muslim cleric planning the $100 million Islamic center downtown appears to be running away from the project, raising more questions about how and where developers will raise the cash.

Washington, DC, power couple Samia and Abdul Huda Farouki have long supported Imam Abdul Feisal Rauf, who's leading the effort to build the controversial mosque two blocks from the World Trade Center site. But they're keeping the project at arm's length.
The story seems a bit weak, with only one Muslim being mentioned in the article, and even then--it is not at all evident that Farouki will not provide backing later on should the controversy subside.

Still, the opposition and controversy surrounding the Ground Zero Mosque is having an effect, and gives that much more encouragement to the protesters who want to see the mosque built somewhere else.

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