Friday, August 20, 2010

UN: Hamas Has Done Nothing To Investigate Goldstone Report Findings

The UN has released the Israeli responses to the Goldstone Report.
The UN has also released the Palestinian (West Bank) responses to the Goldstone Report.
The UN has not released the Hamas responses to the Goldstone Report.

Because there aren't any:
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday released the results of Israeli and Palestinian investigations into alleged war crimes during the conflict in Gaza in the winter of 2008-2009, which did not appear to include any input from Gaza's Hamas rulers.
The UN has confirmed that Israel has launched more than 150 investigations into allegations of misconduct and violations of international law during Operation Cast Lead, while the IDF has opened 47 criminal investigations and has initiated criminal prosecutions of four soldiers in separate incidents.

But from Hamas, nothing.

I don't know--maybe Hamas has just been so busy building malls and resorts.

Or maybe they figured that they would just sign off on what Abbas sent in. Check out Elder of Ziyon who writes that PA Goldstone commission says Qassams do not violate int'l law. If that sounds like an absurd understanding of international law, you should see the tortured logic they have to engage in to get to that conclusion.

Such as:
While this is in no way intended to justify any harm caused to innocent civilians, it cannot be considered a violation of international humanitarian law, per se.
And that's not the worst of it--read the whole thing.

Still, what is Ban Ki-Moon going to do about Hamas--give it the dreaded silent treatment that it bestows on all alleged violators of international law, other than Israel?

Judging from the indignation and outcry, that sounds about right.
After all, no one expects the UN Human Rights Council to say anything--including Hamas in the original investigation, although not officially included, was at best an afterthought anyway.

Just another day at the UN.

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1 comment:

  1. "Still, what is Ban Ki-Moon going to do about Hamas--give it the dreaded silent treatment that it bestows on all alleged violators of international law, other than Israel?"

    Naah, nothing so "draconian"; I expect an invite to Hamas to chair the UNHRC is in the works, even as we speak.


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