Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Video: Ramadan Is A Time For Fasting, Prayer--And Anti-Semitic Soap Operas

Soap operas are a big hit this Ramadan:
“Most people think it’s wrong to spend Ramadan watching television instead of reading the Qur’an, engaging in worship and attending mosques, but I can do both,” said [university student Amnah] Al-Sayyed.

Lamya Marzook said Ramadan this year is going to be special because television channels will be broadcasting excellent quality programs of a wide-ranging variety.

“I’m only saying this judging from the adverts I’m seeing right now and I can’t wait to see these programs. The series I usually see are Syrian, Egyptian, Kuwaiti and Saudi but there are more this year … they include soaps and series that have action, historical and comedy themes. I’m planning to watch almost 100 shows this month,” she said.
Among the "excellent quality programs" being offered during Ramadan is this: a Ramadan Arab sitcom showing stereotypical Jew who is too cheap to give a tip to a delivery person.

Soap operas are big business during Ramadan. For example:
The fierce competition between TV channels in Egypt to win audiences and advertising money during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan bombards Muslims with soap operas and historical dramas that distract them from performing their religious traditions.
And apparently the people who put this garbage on TV know exactly what their audiences want--especially during Ramadan.

Hat tip: Elder of Ziyon, who posted this--and other videos--on Youtube

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