Friday, August 27, 2010

Visiting At The Hospital

My father fell and fractured his hip--and his arm.

I'll be here most of the day.

Though I can blog off of my droid, I will instead follow the sage advice of Dirty Harry who once said, "A blogger has got to know his limitations."

Have a Good Shabbos.

Posted from my Droid via Blogaway


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    all my best wishes for your father

    may he have suffered the one fracture in this world that heals by the blink of an eye without a hitch

    sincere regards,

  2. Thank you.

    Actually, he is doing pretty well, better than they expected. He is already sitting up. He had a partial hip replacement, and will be going to a physical care facility on Sunday.

  3. Refuah shleimah to your father.


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