Monday, August 23, 2010

Would You Sell A Nuclear Reactor To An Accused War Criminal? Iran Would

Meet Sudanese president al-Bashir, accused war criminal, who just last month was charged by the International Criminal Court with three counts of genocide.
The warrant issued last week alleges that the Sudanese government, using the national armed forces, police and the Janjaweed militia [BBC backgrounder], targeted ethnic groups for extermination that were believed to be close to armed opposition groups in Darfur as part of a counter-insurgency strategy, and that as commander-in-chief of Sudanese forces, Bashir "played an essential role in [its] coordinati[on]."
(Did I mention that those 3 counts of genocide were in addition to seven counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity that were filed against al-Bashir in March 2009?)

But that was last month--this month he has been generously offered nuclear technology by Iran.

According to Al-Jazeera:
Sudan is planning to build a nuclear reactor and its first nuclear power plant by 2020, the state news agency SUNA has said.

Mohamed Ahmed Hassan el-Tayeb, director-general of the Sudanese Atomic Energy Agency, said on Sunday that his government had begun the plan for the development of the nuclear reactor at the beginning of this year."The Ministry of Electricity and Dams has already started preparing for the project to produce power from nuclear energy in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and is expected to build the first nuclear power plant in the year 2020," Tayeb said.

..."Iran is prepared to transfer the experience, knowledge and technology of its scientists," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Iranian leader, told visiting Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in March.
Considering how Iran crushed protests against last years trumped up elections, one can easily understand how Khamenei would consider Sudan a kindred spirit.

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