Monday, September 06, 2010

Al Jazeera's Scoop: Lieberman Skeptical Of Peace Talks

Hold the presses! Al Jazeera is reporting that Foreign Minister Lieberman is skeptical of the current peace talks between Bibi and Abbas:
Israel's foreign minister has been quoted by the country's army radio as saying he believes that peace with the Palestinians is unattainable in a year or "during the next generation".

Avigdor Lieberman's reported comments come days after the first round of US-sponsored direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians commenced in Washington, with a declared goal of reaching an accord within one year.

"I do not believe that a comprehensive agreement with the Palestinians is possible within a year, nor even during the next generation," Lieberman is quoted as telling members of his ultra-nationalist Yisrael Beitenu party at a function in advance of Wednesday's Jewish new year.

"Since the Oslo accords 17 years ago, important politicians have made multiple pledges and statements that nothing ever came of.

"We have not examined in depth the reasons why we have paid such a high price for each accord with the Palestinians which has had no results."
Well, maybe today is a slow news day.
In any case, I notice that Al Jazeera makes not attempt to make the case that Israel really should have more confidence in Abbas.

Good move.

Besides, is a healthy doubt of one's peace partners really all that unusual?
My Right Word notes this:
Spain Dismisses Basque Truce Announcement

Spain’s interior minister said on Monday that he did not trust a cease-fire announcement from ETA, the Basque separatist group, dismissing speculation that the country’s long fight against terrorism had come to an end.
Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo PĂ©rez Rubalcaba says he does not trust the Basque separatist group because the steps taken by them is reversible--how much the more so should Israel be cautious when the steps it would be taking--as in the case of steps in the past, like the Disengagement--are irreversible. He also distrusts the "ambiguous" statements coming out of the ETA--reminiscent of Abbas whose statements in English never seem to match what he says in Arabic.

Oh, and did I mention that Abbas has no mandate for even sitting down with Netanyahu--or that his term of office ran out over a year and a half ago?

Kind of makes you admire Lieberman's self control.

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