Thursday, September 02, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Spokesman Condemns Terrorism...Um, Whatever That Is

Mechael Goldfarb notes that the murder of 4 Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists has been condemned by, among others:
  • The Palestinian Authority
  • The Obama administration
  • J Street
But--Ground Zero Mosque Spokesman Refuses to Condemn Hamas Terrorist Attack:

There’s already been a lot of analysis of Imam Rauf’s position on Hamas – he’s against it, kind of, but unwilling to condemn the group as a terrorist organization. When asked point blank, this “moderate US cleric,” as State Department PJ Crowley likes to call him, punted: “The issue of terrorism is a very complex question…I will not allow anybody to put me in a position where I am seen by any party in the world as an adversary or as an enemy.”
Goldfarb was curious what they would say in response to yesterday's terrorist attack--
So I asked the folks at Park51 – “I know @park51 is loathe to call Hamas a terrorist group....but as a gesture, maybe now would be a good time to say something?”

The group’s response:
@thegoldfarb We have condemned terrorism and will continue to do so. We are an apolitical community center. Please allow us that respect.
This is a dodge, one that has been used by Muslim leaders who claim to be moderate, such has CAIR, which claims:
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has consistently and persistently condemned terrorism and the killing of innocent civilians.
But just try to get them to be specific and condemn an actual terrorist group like Hamas. For that matter, maybe someone can get them to explain the difference between "innocent civilians" and civilians in general. The sponsors of the Ground Zero Mosque, avoid condemning actual terrorist groups, claiming that the issue is a political issue or to complex.

Goldfarb updates his article:
The Ground Zero mosque supporters seem to have responded, and seem again to be unwilling or unable to condemn the murder of a pregnant Israeli woman and other innocent Jews. Via Twitter: "We have and repeatedly condemn acts of terrorism. We are a Community Center. Please do not ask us to get involved in international affairs."
International affairs? It is a question of morality and human decency that is independent of international affairs.
And if they cannot condemn terrorism, they should not be allowed to build a mosque 2 blocks from the site of  the biggest terrorist attack of the 20th century.

Let them build it somewhere else.

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