Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hezbollah Religious Tolerance In Action

When Fareed Zakaria declared that Hezbollah was a model of religious tolerance, would this be the sort of thing he had in mind?
The attorney of Kataeb official Sami Gemayel said he will take legal action against a Hizbullah website for threatening the young MP with crucifixion, the Phalange Party said on its website.
"Gemayel has the right to his own political opinions under the Constitution," the website said, quoting Gemayel's lawyer Mark Habka as telling MTV.

Habka said he will file a suit against the Hizbullah website, called the Islamic Resistance Forum, which described Gemayel as an Israeli spy and called for his "crucifixion on a pole in the Pride and Dignity Square."
Calling for crucifixion as opposed to your standard beheading was, I imagine, a concession to the fact that Gemayel is a Christian--doing it in the 'Pride and Dignity Square' is also a nice touch.

Doesn't anyone in the West notice that these groups are still living in the Middle Ages?

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