Wednesday, September 08, 2010

How Does Hamas Celebrate The Closing Days Of Ramadan?

The month of Ramadan is a special season of worship. If one attends to his worship with dedication and sincerity, he is certain to end the month having earned forgiveness of all his past misdeeds.

--pretty much the way its celebrates the rest of Ramadan: attacking civilians:
A mortar shell fired by Palestinian terrorists in north Gaza Wednesday morning exploded near a number of kindergartens in a kibbutz located in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council. There were no reports of injury, but slight damage was caused to one of the kindergartens.

IDF forces located the shell's landing site. The shell exploded a half-hour before the children were supposed to arrive at the kindergartens.
With all of the videos of the much-vaunted training of Hamas terrorists, instead of attacking military targets, they fire rockets at kindergartens.

That is why they are terrorists, who dedicate themselves to the resistance--of 5 year olds.

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