Wednesday, September 01, 2010

If These Are Peace TALKS, Why Doesn't Abbas Have To Say Anything?

Talk about your soft bigotry of low expectations.

Laura Rozen quotes former U.S. Middle East peace negotiator Aaron David Miller, who emphasizes on the need to go slow in the Mideast peace talks. How slow? Apparently only one side need do all the talking. Can you guess which side?
“What counts are only three things this round,” Miller said. “One, that the Israelis and Americans work out (or toward) an agreement on a moratorium on settlements; two, that Benjamin Netanyahu, even while he pushes security, shows some movement in the Palestinian direction on one other issue -- borders; three, that the Palestinians hang in there and not bolt the talks ..."
According to Miller, all that Abbas need do is stick around and enjoy the show.
Of course, Abbas has seen this show so many times, he knows it by heart.

But he never gets tired of it.

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