Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's The Subtle Things The Media Misses

I've blogged before about the TIME Magazine piece on "Why Israel Doesn't Care About Peace."

Recall the cover:

Soccer Dad came up with an idea for a better cover.
And now Elder of Ziyon ha improved on it:

Apparently, it never occurred to the journalists at TIME magazine to look at the official logo of Fatah.
Must have been an oversight.

Technorati Tag: and .


  1. If I would have known that everyone would be reposting this, I would have spent more than five minutes on it!

    Thanks and have a chag sameach!

  2. But why should you spend more time on your cover than TIME magazine did on theirs?

  3. Why'd you need more than 5 minutes? What you did was simple and effective. And it had the added advantage of really looking like Time Magazine.


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