Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Let's Kidnap Ahmadinejad!

"The year is 1938 and Iran is Germany...When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust, he is preparing a second holocaust against the Jewish people. Believe him and stop him.
Benjamin Netanyahu, 2006

Aluf Benn writes that with Hitler At The Gate, why not kidnap Ahmadinejad--after all, Bibi did call for putting Ahmadinejad on trial in The Hague on charges of incitement to genocide!
Three weeks from now, Netanyahu will have a one-time opportunity to stop the new Hitler and thwart the incitement to genocide. Ahmadinejad will pay his first visit to Lebanon and devote an entire day to a tour of the southern part of that country. He will visit sites where Hezbollah waged battles against Israel and, according to one report, he will also pop over to Fatima Gate, just beyond the border fence at Metula. The route is known, the range is close and it is possible to send a detail across the border to seize the president of Iran and bring him to trial in Israel as an inciter to genocide and Holocaust denier.

The media effect will be dramatic: Ahmadinejad in a glass cage in Jerusalem, with the simultaneous translation earphones, facing grim Israeli judges. In the spirit of the times, it will also be possible to have foreign observers join them (David Trimble of the Turkel commission was a leader of the "try the Iranian president" initiative ).
It does make for a tempting image, doesn't it?

Just think of the possibilities:
There are also operational advantages: Iran will hesitate to react to its president's arrest by flinging missiles, out of fear for their leader's life. It will also be possible to capture Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who will no doubt emerge from his hiding place and accompany Ahmadinejad. Israel will have high-ranking hostages it will be able to exchange for Gilad Shalit.

And if the world has any complaints, it will be reminded that the Americans invaded Panama in order to arrest its ruler Manuel Noriega - and only for dealing drugs, a far smaller offense than incitement to genocide.
Alas, just think of what is more likely to happen:
Ahmadinejad might be killed in the action and Iran would embark on a cruel war of revenge. The precedent of arresting leaders would endanger Israeli personages suspected abroad of crimes against humanity or murder (according to the Goldstone report and the flotilla report ). Ahmadinejad could be acquitted and make Israel look like a bully and Netanyahu a fool.
Benn's suggestion is only tongue-in-cheek, chiding Netanyahu for rhetoric he could afford as a politician which he cannot act upon as an elected leader. Perhaps Benn is right and Netanyahu should be more cautious in the way he speaks.

But we are talking about the Middle East, where leaders tend to talk with a Medieval intensity and threats are commonplace.

And where those with a more Western bent are often reduced to hoping that those threats are exaggerated.

Come to think of it, a lot can be planned in 3 weeks...

[Hat tip: Norman F]

Technorati Tag: and .


  1. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Yeah, I'd watch that trial. :)

    But it'd also be interesting to arrest Israeli PM and army leaders who are responsible for war crimes in Gaza and bringing them to trial in some Arab country or at least in Europe, wouldn't it be? Or to see Turks capturing those israeli commandos who killed flotilla passengers and bringing them to trial in Turkey... The media effect would be dramatic in this case too. ;-)

  2. Daled, thanks for the acknowledgment.

    When you get right down to it, its easy to denounce a potential mass murderer.

    Stopping him is what's hard.

  3. But it'd also be interesting to arrest Israeli PM and army leaders who are responsible for war crimes in Gaza and bringing them to trial in some Arab country or at least in Europe, wouldn't it be? Or to see Turks capturing those israeli commandos who killed flotilla passengers and bringing them to trial in Turkey... The media effect would be dramatic in this case too

    Personally, I think it would be far more interesting to see the people who blindly parrot the lines accusing Israel of war crimes actually attempt to back up their nonsense with facts of law.

    Using the name "Goldstone" or the word "UN" is unfortunately as far as such people are able to go.

    I've already had to deal with one Anonymous commenter who admitted he had no clue what "disproportionate force" meant--but used the phrase anyway.

  4. Daled, thanks for the acknowledgment.

    And thank you for the idea.

  5. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Regarding that "blindly parroting the lines accusing Israel of war crimes"... Do you expect people like me to go to Gaza ourselves and make our own research and interviews about Israeli offensive?

    As for R.Goldstone, his reputation is not only impeccable, he's also a (Zionist) Jew. His team is said to examined over 10,000 pages of documentation and testimony, conducted almost 200 interviews, saw more than 1000 photos and 30 videos. They concluded that war crimes and crimes against humanity were committed. What's more: their findings are unanimously supported by every NGO which operates in the area! Also, let's not forget those Israeli soldiers testimonies (where few IDF soldiers admitted comitting war crimes in gaza). What else do you need? Anyway, I'm sure people like you will always find an excuse not to believe all those people/soldiers/NGOs... I bet you rather listen to Israeli army, who (surprise, surprise!) denied all the wrongdoing.

  6. Regarding that "blindly parroting the lines accusing Israel of war crimes"... Do you expect people like me to go to Gaza ourselves and make our own research and interviews about Israeli offensive?

    Not much of an excuse, but thank you for the admission.

    As for R.Goldstone, his reputation is not only impeccable, he's also a (Zionist) Jew.

    So I'll ask you again--define the term "Zionist". If you use it, I expect you to know what it means.

    His team is said to...

    Unlike you, I'm not interested in hearsay. For that matter, what do I care how much documentation he had. How much is irrelevant. The actual question is where did it come from, how was it handled and what was left out. The fact is that he ignored information--for example about the Hamas use of human shields--facts that any 12 year old could easily access on youtube.

    In addition, both he and Chinkin came out with statements about Israel that already showed that there minds were made up before they were ever appointed.

    In addition, the report has been questioned by lawyers and legal experts--and although Goldstone promised to respond to such rebuttals, he not only did not respond, he also lied and claimed they did not even exist.

    What's more: their findings are unanimously supported by every NGO which operates in the area!

    Actually that is not true either.

    Anyway, I'm sure people like you will always find an excuse not to believe all those people/soldiers/NGOs...

    Ohhhh, people like me?
    You don't even know who I am.
    You've claimed in the past that I was Israel and that I must have family in Israel.

    You were wrong about that too.

    Instead of being forced to resort to ad hominen attacks against someone you know nothing about, try the facts. You could start by reading one of the rebuttals of the Goldstone Report.

    I bet you rather listen to Israeli army, who (surprise, surprise!) denied all the wrongdoing.

    This coming from the guy who prides himself on relying on testimony of Israeli soldiers who refuse to come out and identify themselves so their claims can actually be checked.

    For that matter, for you to claim the IDT "denied all the wrongdoing" is just one more proof (as if any more were needed) that you don't know the facts.

  7. Regarding that "blindly parroting the lines accusing Israel of war crimes"... Do you expect people like me to go to Gaza ourselves and make our own research and interviews about Israeli offensive?

    Not much of an excuse, but thank you for the admission.

    As for R.Goldstone, his reputation is not only impeccable, he's also a (Zionist) Jew.

    So I'll ask you again--define the term "Zionist". If you use it, I expect you to know what it means.

    His team is said to...

    Unlike you, I'm not interested in hearsay. For that matter, what do I care how much documentation he had. How much is irrelevant. The actual question is where did it come from, how was it handled and what was left out. The fact is that he ignored information--for example about the Hamas use of human shields--facts that any 12 year old could easily access on youtube.

    In addition, both he and Chinkin came out with statements about Israel that already showed that there minds were made up before they were ever appointed.

    In addition, the report has been questioned by lawyers and legal experts--and although Goldstone promised to respond to such rebuttals, he not only did not respond, he also lied and claimed they did not even exist.

    What's more: their findings are unanimously supported by every NGO which operates in the area!

    Actually that is not true either.

    Anyway, I'm sure people like you will always find an excuse not to believe all those people/soldiers/NGOs...

    Ohhhh, people like me?
    You don't even know who I am.
    You've claimed in the past that I was Israel and that I must have family in Israel.

    You were wrong about that too.

    Instead of being forced to resort to ad hominen attacks against someone you know nothing about, try the facts. You could start by reading one of the rebuttals of the Goldstone Report.

    I bet you rather listen to Israeli army, who (surprise, surprise!) denied all the wrongdoing.

    This coming from the guy who prides himself on relying on testimony of Israeli soldiers who refuse to come out and identify themselves so their claims can actually be checked.

    For that matter, for you to claim the IDT "denied all the wrongdoing" is just one more proof (as if any more were needed) that you don't know the facts.

  8. Anonymous6:08 PM

    -IMO Zionist is someone who supports the rebuilding of Israel, the Jews’ ancestral and spiritual homeland and a Biblical Prophecy. It's also the one who supports the modern political movement to create a secular Israeli state. Most Jews are Zionists, but some Zionists aren’t Jews. I don't know mr Goldstone in person, but he's said to be Zionist.

    -As for Hamas using human shields, I won't say they didn't use them (because I don't know that), but if I were you I'd not trust every "anti hamas" (nor "anti israel") video you can find on youtube. There's way too much fakes and confusion about it.

    Talking about human shields, there's an interesting report regarding this issue in connection to "the most moral army in the world". (Two Israeli soldiers were convicted by the southern command military court of using human shields in the winter of 2008 and 2009 during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip)

    -So tell me which NGO doesn't agree with Goldstone's report.

    -You can blame Goldstone's report, but the fact that 150 complaints about IDF soldiers' conduct during Cast Lead (including 36 for alleged war crimes) have produced only 47 criminal investigations - most of which have since been closed - is a bit suspicious, isn't it?

    -true, I really don't know you. But I do know that I never CLAIMED in the past that you or your family are from Israel. Maybe I was asking you about it, or guessing about it. Which is different. I'm not attacking anyone here. I just read some of your (pro-israel) writings in your blog and created my own opinion about you. That's all. ;)

    -of course those soldiers refused to identify themselves. Are you surprised? Put yourself in their skin. They are risking their jobs and their reputation.

  9. -IMO Zionist is someone who supports the rebuilding of Israel, the Jews’ ancestral and spiritual homeland and a Biblical Prophecy. It's also the one who supports the modern political movement to create a secular Israeli state. Most Jews are Zionists, but some Zionists aren’t Jews. I don't know mr Goldstone in person, but he's said to be Zionist.

    The fact you wrote the above verbatim without attribution makes you a plagiarist.

    (Affinity292) "A “Zionist” is someone who supports the rebuilding of Israel, the Jews’ ancestral and spiritual homeland and a Biblical Prophecy."

    (Affinity292) “Zionist” is someone who supports the modern political movement to create a secular Israeli state.

    (Dean) Most Jews are Zionists, but many Zionists aren’t Jews.

    At least the last sentence is yours...maybe.

    In the past, you have admitted using the phrase "disproportionate force" without knowing what it means.

    You could have admitted you only used the "but Goldstone is a Zionist!" argument for the same reason, as you put it:

    As for the term "disproportionate force", I don't know the legal definition, but I understand it in the context of how other people/organizations were using it.

    In the past, I felt that all you did was parrot the opinions of others, without understanding.

    Now you have provided corroboration.

  10. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Fine, call me plagiarist if you want. Perhaps I really should use attribution, but let me tell you something. I'm not american and my primary language is not English. Because of that I sometimes (like in this case) use a part of the statement I find online and suits my thoughts perfectly. Having said that, I think there is a big difference between failure to use attribution and the act of plagiarism in itself. What's more, my english is far from perfect, but it's not that bad that I'd be "parroting the opinions of others, without understanding". I can assure you that. But please: belive what you want. If you really think I'm ready to waste my free time to copy-paste other people's opinions without even understanding, fine. I have my own opinion about you and your credibility too.

    It's always easier to "kill the Messenger" (= attack the UN, NGOs, mr Goldstone and posters like me) rather than deal with the message. You've proved it several times.


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