Friday, September 03, 2010

Mideast Peace Talks: Apparently, They Can't Even Figure Out What "Agreement" Means

You cannot separate process from substance
George Mitchell on the current peace talk

And what exactly is the process--I mean, we know that Netanyahu and Abbas are going to be meeting every 2 weeks, but what is the first step?
“The parties themselves have suggested and agreed that the logical way to proceed is to try to reach a framework agreement first,” Mitchell told journalists at the State Department Thursday, defining it as “not an interim agreement and more detailed than a declaration of principles but less than a full-fledged treaty.”
Well, at least there is no argument over the shape of the table--at least not as far as we know.
Still, if such double-speak has already begun, then we are in for a long year.

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  1. i have heard that this time palestinian side is rady for peace even if it means *painful compromisses*. i am afraid that some of fanatics will disagree with official position of arab side and episodes in hebron confirms my fiars.

  2. i have heard that this time palestinian side is rady for peace even if it means *painful compromisses*.

    Anything is possible, but I find that hard to believe.

    The first painful concession Abbas could make would be to stop inciting hatred against Israel by putting an end to honoring terrorists who have murdered Israelis.


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