Saturday, September 04, 2010

New York Times On Anti-Zionism--From 40 Years Ago

One may oppose Israeli policy, resist Zionism or criticize worldwide Jewish support of Israel without being anti-Semitic. But when one draws on the age-old hostility to Jews to strengthen a political position, when one gives credence to the charge of a worldwide Jewish plot to rule, when one attacks those with whom one has political and economic difference, when one implies that Jews are guilty of some primal evil, then one is guilty of anti-Semitism, and one is engaged in the same racism that all decent men insist on eliminating…
Seymour Martin Lipset

Sound familiar?
This is from an article in The New York Times Sunday Magazine--from 1971, entitled: 'The Socialism of Fools'; The New Left calls it "anti-Zionism," but it's no different from the anti-Semitism of the Old Right
Apparently, many people have still not gotten the message.

Harry's Place has some more excerpts:

French New Left spokesmen have openly defended the need to speak in anti-Semitic terms when supporting the Arab cause. Jean Bauberot… currently editor of Hertem, a New Left journal, wrote in the May-July, 1969, issue to “demonstrate the intricacies of the Palestine problem” leftists must “use expressions which, taken by themselves, appear to resemble certain lines from ‘Mein Kampf.’”….

...The fact that this time the predominant weight of the anti-Semitic thrust is on the left rather than the right will surprise only those who are unaware of the considerable literature on anti-Semitism in the socialist and other leftist movements…. Karl Marx himself accepted the stereotype which linked Jews with capitalism. Thus in his essay on “The Jewish Question,” he wrote: “What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Bargaining. What is his worldly God? Money….”
Harry's place quotes a little more of the article, but if you want to get the complete article, you will have to buy it online.

Hat Tip: JW

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