Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Only Muslims Are Allowed To Deface The Holy Koran

Apparently this is supposed to be a worthy cause when the Taliban Deface Koran to Sell Heroin:
The Taliban are using pages torn from the Koran to package heroin sold on the streets by kids. ISAF forces operating in Souther Afghanistan found children with "pockets of heroin and wads of cash" according to USA Today's Gregg Zoroya. The heroin was packaged in ripped up pages from Islam's most holy document. The story also details how the Islamic radicals are using children, aged three and up, as human shields or to plant roadside bombs, as well as peddling drugs to help fund the insurgency. Perhaps the State Department could explain to the Taliban that desecrating the Koran is un-American. That should stop them.
Apparently the Taliban is not afraid of rioting Muslims protesting in the streets--do they know something we don't?

But primarily, there is the issue of the abuse of children to sell drugs--will an enraged United Nations Human Rights Council demand an investigation?

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  1. The same way only blacks can use the N word?

  2. Holy mackerel. Using pages of the Kor'an to wrap heroin. Why didn't we think of that?

  3. The same way only blacks can use the N word?

    You mean...Neocon!?

  4. Why didn't we think of that?

    Yeah, go figure.

  5. Shirl in Oz3:44 AM

    Now, now folks........surely you've heard the expression

    "Don't do what I do, do as I tell you"?
    This is a perfect example


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