Thursday, September 02, 2010

Send A Rosh HaShana Greeting To Gilad Shalit (Update:

There is now a website that makes it possible to send a personal greeting for the Jewish New Year to Gilad Shalit. These greetings will be printed on recycled paper in the US and have the delivered to the UN.

The goal is to get 1,000,000 messages of good wishes for Gilad and raise awareness of Gilad Shalit as a human rights issue. This will put pressure on the UN and potentially highlight the UN's failure in this matter.

Check it out.

UPDATE: Also check out
Gilad Shalit has been held captive by Hamas for four long years. For more than 1,500 days, he has been denied visits by the Red Cross and cut off from all contact with his family. Tell Gilad he is not alone as he marks his 24th birthday on August 28th and his fifth Rosh Hashanah in captivity. Send him a card for his birthday and/or the Jewish New Year.

Mail Gilad a personal card to the address below or click on one of the following electronic messages. The Conference of Presidents will deliver your message to the International Committee of the Red Cross and demand that Hamas allow the ICRC to visit and deliver the messages to Gilad in accordance with international humanitarian law.
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