Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Where Are The Tapes Of Hamas Training Exercises For Killing Unarmed Civilians?

[T]he Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades take full responsibility for the heroic operation in Hebron.
Official statement by Hamas

I wonder what the point is.

I mean, we see videos of these exercises by both children and by adults: jumping through hoops of fire and other exotic training exercises.

But we never get to see the exercises where the fearless Hamas terrorists practice shooting unarmed men and women.

Why is that?

I suppose that since murdering unarmed people in cold blood is a specialty of Hamas, they probably do that training in secret. After all, no point in letting others know how much work goes into pulling a gun on an unarmed pregnant woman.

Who knows how much practice goes into shooting civilians, let alone perfecting the nerves of steel required to shoot from a distance before bravely getting close to finish the job.

I think I'd like to see those videos: those and the ones of these heroes getting rewarded by their leaders--the ones who during Operation Cast Lead hid in the basement of a hospital and left Gazans on their own without any bunkers.

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