Monday, October 18, 2010

Isn't Someone Missing From This UNIFIL Meeting?

Narharnet reports:
UNIFIL Says Lebanese, Israeli Armies Stressed Commitment to 1701

UNIFIL Commander Maj. Gen. Alberto Asarta Cuevas on Monday met with top Lebanese and Israeli military officers at a U.N. base at the Ras al-Naqoura border crossing in southern Lebanon.

The meeting tackled the implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701, the placing of border signs along the Blue Line, the Ghajar village issue and other topics related to the Blue Line.

The Lebanese and Israeli sides stressed their full commitment to working with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in order to implement UNSCR 1701.
It's great that Lebanon and Israel got together with UNIFIL to address the implementation of UN Resolution 1701, but wasn't there someone missing from the meeting?

Wouldn't it be natural to invite Hezbollah to the party as well?
Since Hezbollah has been rebuilding in Southern Lebanon, despite UNIFIL's best efforts, why would Hezbollah not be invited, at the very least in order to find some way to limit Hezbolah's weapon's cache among civilian areas?

And if the reason is that Hezbollah wouldn't listen anyway, isn't that an indication of how pointless UN Resolution 1701 and UNIFIL's presence actually is?

Just wondering.

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