Sunday, October 24, 2010

Leaving Hummus Record To Lebanon, Israel Takes Chess Record From Iran

Back in May, Lebanon bested Israel's record for largest serving of hummus. Israel's record was 4 tons--but 300 chefs in Lebanon set a new record: 10 tons.

Now Israel has come back and taken a record away from Iran, by setting a new record for most simultaneous games of chess played by an individual:
Israeli chess champ Alik Gershon played 523 people, moving from board to board in a Tel Aviv plaza. He started Thursday and finished overnight, winning 454 of the matches, losing 11 and drawing in 58.

In London, Guinness World Records confirmed that the Israeli was the new world record holder.

The previous record was set last year by Iranian champ Morteza Mahjoob, who played 500 opponents at the same time in a Tehran arena.

The new record holder acknowledged the tensions between the countries. “Hopefully this is the only war we are going to have with this enemy, ever,” Gershon said.

He also noted the game’s ancient origins in Persia — now Iran.

“Taking the record from an Iranian in a game that was invented by Iran — it’s going to be even sweeter,” he said as his record attempt was getting under way Thursday.
According to the article, Gaza is also in the Guiness Book of World Records:
Palestinians have also tried to set Guinness records, partly in an attempt to draw international attention to their conflict with Israel. Children in the Gaza Strip now hold records for the most people simultaneously flying kites and dribbling basketballs: 3,000 and 7,000, respectively.
No word on what records, if any, have been set in the West Bank--though Abbas may be trying to set the record for longest time in office without having been elected. At this rate, come January Abbas will be in office 2 years after his term will have ended.

Somebody check with Guiness!

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